Cyber Insurance premiums are constantly on the rise, yet businesses are getting less coverage for those higher costs.
Many business owners are wondering why. What caused carriers to increase their premiums so quickly and sharply? Is cyber insurance still worthwhile if significantly less coverage now costs significantly more?
In Know Why Cyber Insurance Premiums Are Increasing, learn about three notable factors contributing to rising cyber insurance premiums, so you can give your clients well-informed, reasonable answers when they ask where their money is going.
This free whitepaper will give you:
- Explanation about why cyberattacks—ransomware in particular—have caused premiums to increase for everybody.
- Information about proper cyber security hygiene, and how businesses without it may not be able to get insurance at all.
- Insight into why increasing loss ratios and reinsurance rates result in higher premiums for consumers.
- Understanding about what rising rates could mean for you as a broker, and how to find the best policies for your clients even in this hard market.
Get the information you need to become a better, more informed broker. Please fill out the form to download your free whitepaper today!