Many insurance agents and brokers focus on certain industries or select niches. Over time, they can develop very specific expertise that the traditional markets are may not have. ProWriters provides underwriting services on behalf of many carriers to our brokers seeking alternatives to traditional markets. As an independent third party, we are optimally positioned to provide underwriting services to brokers seeking multiple options for their clients combined with quick service and product expertise.
ProWriters also provides underwriting services to carriers who are looking to offer Professional and Management liability coverages, such as Cyber and Privacy Liability, but lack the necessary underwriting expertise and underwriting platform to deliver these coverages. We develop new wordings, rating plans, and underwriting strategies on behalf of carriers who are looking for traditional MGU services.
We can also act as an experienced underwriting workforce for carriers who have developed their own strategy, rating plan, and wordings. This newer, more innovative approach allows carriers to control their marketing and branding while enabling them to lower their expense ratio by limiting headcount, system development costs, and time to market. Talk to an experienced ProWriters underwriter to learn more about the right underwriting services for you.